Saturday, March 4, 2017

Images help us know when our sense of self, our relationship with God and others is distorted. They invite us to see and acknowledge unresolved feelings around hurt and forgiveness, as well as the blockages of pain and suffering. Above all, where can the healing and transforming power of images be experienced more effectively than in the space of a person's encounter with the divine source of healing and transformation? In the gospel story of the Samaritan woman, imagination may draw us to see the jar which she lowers into the well as an image containing her feeling responses and reactions to Christ challenging her in conversation. As she metaphorically raises draught upon draught, the Samaritan woman seems to reach down into the depth of her limited image of God, self, and other to encounter the transforming power of Jesus who mirrors and exalted image of God and the human person. ~ Art, Containment and Language of the Soul, Renate Dullman

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