Monday, December 26, 2016


This is an old interview but I loved this interview with singer/songwriter Carolyn Arenz because I'm like her with the organizational boxes (put me in the container store, and I'll want everything there) and trying to keep it together with all the busyness, but not quite making it with that...and knowing that you need to Be Still but needing a little help. lol... but then there are the wild things of God that don't fit into the boxes, and the unexpected surprises and things that you think are distractions but may actually be God showing up in the present moment for you to welcome and let in. lol....but you know, I made some progress. I gave away about 20 baskets that were in the closet under my stairs and gave them to Forgotten Angels. I figured someone might need these to put Christmas gifts in. But they had become cumbersome and when I would open the closet they would fly out at me. It's was time to let it all go.

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